Friday, June 29, 2007
Thing 9 - more Twitter
The July 2007 issue of Wired Magazine has a commentary by Clive Thompson on the social aspects and benefits of Twitter. Interesting reading. He makes some valid points. "How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense."
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thing 2 and 18 together
I just noticed that Blogger says you can post to Blogger from Google Documents and Spreadsheets. This is merging thing 2 with thing 18, very convenient.
I'm just guessing here that all I have to do is click the Publish button and it will ask which of my blogs I want to publish it to. If that fails there is always Help.
I had been writing drafts of my blog posts in Google Docs and Spreadsheets, so this will be very convenient. Course, I've finished 22 of the 23 things so may not be posting more to the blog.
Time to hit that Publish button and see what happens.
Thing 22 - teach someone else
After demonstrating how blogs are laid out and how to navigate within one I asked for a volunteer from the audience. I can’t quite recollect if I warned them that the volunteer would be creating their first blog for everyone else to see on the big screen. I probably left out that part during my request as our state librarian quickly raised her hand to be the guinea pig. I had her up and blogging in a matter of minutes and everyone else was able to see how easy it all was.
I will be conducting a repeat session tomorrow morning but doubt I will have such a willing volunteer. Thank you Susan for being such a good sport.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Thing 21 - Podcasts
I subscribe to a couple of NPR podcasts but haven't had the time to download or listen to them. In the past I've downloaded podcasts coming out of areas I'll be traveling to so have used Podcast directories and search engines.
Before a vacation to Hawaii I caught a few episodes of 808Talk coming from Honolulu. Heard some great music and interesting discussions of local issues.
If I had the time I'd subscribe and listen to author tours and how to programs and music and commentary. There is so much great content out there.
Twitter only sales
Is the concept applicable to libraries? I'm not sure. We don't want to restrict "this offer only to those that can see it" but maybe it could be a way to promote new books. "Just in - -- Bestseller, reserve it now" I'd probably friend my library if they did something like that, but is it worth their time and resources?
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thing 20 - YouTube
I searched YouTube to see if anyone else had posted a video of a working Kirtas scanner. There was one video taken at SLA this year.
I just joined YouTube, went to the upload page, browsed to where the file was, filled in a title, description and tags and let it upload. Once uploaded YouTube provides the code which can be used to embed the video on blogs or websites.
On Blogger I started typing in "Compose" mode, then clicked on the Edit Html tab and pasted in the code provided by YouTube. Here is the result (not appearing yet, seems to take a lot of time for YouTube to process, or maybe there was a problem with the file, but regardless, it was easy to do) :
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Thing 19 - My Google map
The map of where I work can be found HERE
This Thing was very easy. I just followed the step-by-step directions on Google Maps
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Thing 17 - add to Infopeople Wiki
Thing 16 - Wikis and libraries
That posting received comments from one of the library wiki creators.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thing 15 - web 2.0 perspectives
The other link leads to a Walt Crawford Cites & Insights article. I've enjoyed reading Walt Crawford's Cites and Insights for many years and also enjoy reading his blog, Walt at Random.
I find myself agreeing with almost everything he says in this article. Library service is evolutionary, not revolutionary. The battle cry of "Library 2.0" is too divisive, but many Web 2.0 technologies can be incorporated into library services if it enhances services yet still provides for the basics without pulling resources away from where they are needed.
I particularly agreed with this paragraph "For example, although I'm not a toolbar person, I'm certainly not opposed to libraries producing such toolbars. I'd love to see measures as to how many people (other than librarians!) download them and what effect they have on use of library services. In general, I'm hoping there will be measurement of these services, particularly in those cases where there's friction between providing new services and maintaining old ones."
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Commentary on MySpace, Second Life and Twitter
Read it at:,1895,2145408,00.asp
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
More on Twitter
His website boasts of the productivity drain that Twitter has caused.
What's the point of collecting friends, especially those that have not even a remote relationship to one? I'm kind of sick of this racking up the friends thing.
I'm still getting invitations to "friend" novelists on the Library2.0 Ning. I ignore those. I haven't found a value for friending on Ning.
Thing 9 again - Twitter - great intro online
View it here:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Thing 17 - Infopeople Wiki
Thing 14 - Technorati
Technorati: Quick view results in Technorati were:
- under blog posts, #1 Irish eateries, #2 something in Japanese but with a DE host, so probably spam, #3 Free XXX Movies.
- Under Videos #1 Twitter on CBS news, #2 Twitter wins at sxsw, #3 Twitter over iggy, #4 Twitter on Fring
- Under Photos: #1chickens pecking the weeds between the boxes, #2 a twitter screen print #3 those chickens again, #4 Twitter screen print
- Under music, didn't bother to open
- Google blog search #1 Evolution of blogging, including twitter, #2 The future of Twitter, #3 Why I spam on Twitter, #4 Twitcash, earn money via your Twitter
- Google image search: #1 picture of flutist, #2 twitter screenshot, #3 twitter screen shot, #4 picture of a Twitter friend
- Google video search: #1 Twitter on CBS news, #2 a commentary on current trends including twitter, #3 Blaine Cook on Scaling Twitter, #4 Datta now has a Twitter account
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Things 16 and 20 wiki and videocast
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Thing 14 - Technorati
"Doh! The Technorati Monster escaped again.
We're scouring the blogosphere attempting to find it. Back in a flash!"
cute error message but frustrating none the less
Just like my first Twitter experience. I'm ready to try it out and the service is down.
How much can we depend on these free sites? Can we base patron services on something that we have no control over and may or may not be reliable (or even here the next day)?
I'll try again tomorrow.
More on Twitter and also on Google Alerts
Today's alert about Twitter included an interesting review of the service done by abc News. Twitter: Social Netoworking? or Cyber Stalking? Check it out.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Thing 13 - Social Bookmarking and
Anyway, this whole social bookmarking thing raises the issue of user created tags versus a controlled vocabulary (such as LCSH). Being a cataloger by training I see the need and benefit of a controlled vocabulary. Playing with one of the Flickr mashup games over the weekend my s.o. and I were frustrated in trying to guess the common tag. What seemed to be an appropriate tag to us ended up being a synonym to the tag used. As terminology changes (is the USB thing in my purse a jump drive, a thumb drive, a flash drive?) tags will no longer match what people are searching for.
On to (how does one easily remember where to put the periods?) A couple of years ago I attended a workshop on blogs, wikis, RSS, etc. I was introduced to and began using it for saving and tagging some of my bookmarks. I like it because is a lot easier to remember and type than I don't make use of all it's features because I haven't found a need for them.
Many websites seem to now have links to "Save to" That makes it very convenient if you do not want to install the delicious toolbar and don't want to take the extra step of going to the delicious website. I've not seen a Furl link. It was also very easy to upload all my Internet Explorer bookmarks into and then update the tags. I was able to figure out what old bookmarks may no longer work based on the number (or absence) of people sharing the bookmark. That was useful.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Thing 12 - Rollyo
I tried out Rollyo. Interesting service.
I created a search roll to search just I was looking for a listing of the official state symbols so I typed in the term "symbols". The first result was a direct hit to the symbol listing. I then searched the built-in search feature on Got a lot of extra garbage and the page I was looking for was result #7. Just to round out my test I searched Google with the terms "California" and "symbols" There were a number of relevant hits, both governmental and commercial. The page I was looking for was the fifth hit. Also nice in Google were image results at the top of the hit list.
Back when I did online reference one common question was "how do I get a copy of my birth certificate?" I tried searching "birth certificate" in my Rollyo search roll for and also the built-in search at the site. Rollyo's eleventh hit gave me the information I was looking for whereas the built-in search got me to the information in the first hit. The Rollyo search results also included sponsored links (ads) at the top and within the search results. I didn't like that.
I don't have sophisticated nor extensive searching needs. Google seems to meet most of my needs quite well, or I go directly to subject specific informational sites.